2024 Kink Survey & Census !

Friendly Types

Friendly Types

In Second Life, the LGBTQIA+ Directory has adopted various “Friendly” types to better serve the diverse communities and interests within the virtual world.

Below are the friendly categories available in our directory listings, along with their respective requirements:


Locations that welcome and cater to users who identify with or enjoy furry avatars and communities.

Venues must actively welcome and cater to users who identify with or enjoy furry avatars and communities. This may include hosting furry-themed events, providing spaces for furry roleplay, or offering resources specifically tailored to furry users.


Places specifically designed to welcome and support new users in Second Life, offering guidance, resources, and a friendly environment for beginners.

Places designated as Newbie Friendly must offer resources and support for new users in Second Life. This may include providing mentorship programs, beginner-friendly tutorials or classes, helpful signage or guides, and a welcoming community atmosphere.


Venues and communities that are welcoming to users who identify with or enjoy neko avatars, which are humanoids with feline characteristics.

Venues and communities in the Neko Friendly category must be welcoming to users who identify with or enjoy neko avatars. This may involve incorporating neko-themed decor or events, offering neko-specific activities or areas, and fostering a supportive environment for neko enthusiasts.


Locations and communities that embrace users who identify with or enjoy elf-themed avatars and fantasy roleplay.

Locations and communities designated as Elf Friendly must embrace users who identify with or enjoy elf-themed avatars and fantasy roleplay. This could include hosting fantasy-themed events, providing roleplaying opportunities within an elf-friendly setting, and welcoming users interested in elf culture and aesthetics.


Locations suitable for families and children, offering activities and entertainment suitable for users of all ages.

Venues in the Family Friendly category must be suitable for families and children, offering activities and entertainment appropriate for users of all ages. To qualify, locations should adhere to a “G” rating on the Second Life maturity scale, ensuring that content is suitable for a general audience and free from adult themes or explicit content.

By including these friendly types in our directory listings and establishing clear requirements for each, we aim to help users easily find places that align with their specific interests and preferences within Second Life’s diverse virtual landscape.